August 2018 Church Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Agenda
August 14, 2018
We Gather in God’s Name

PRESENT: Pastor Krick, Dave Smith, Martha Belanger, Scott Carson, Linda Edwards, Ron Indorf, Joan Bauer and Cristina Dolcino. Absent: Julie Moore

Opening Prayer

  • We Light the Christ Candle
  • Blessings
  • Thank You Cards
    • Motion/Second/Approved to send a restaurant gift card to Heidi Morrison to express our thanks for her above and beyond work coordinating VBS.
  • Devotions –Cristina
  • Meeting minutes approval
    • July 10, 2018 minutes approved online
  • Discussion: Pastor led a discussion of the introduction and chapter 1 of Jesus Freak.

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Overall expenses for the year are $10,291 below income with giving at 96% of budget and expenses at 88%.
    • Final payment for the carpet installation will happen this month and will come from the church’s money market account.
  • Secretary’s Report
    • The migration to our new website, electronic giving and church management system is on track. The migration team is currently in the process of validating data and identifying new protocols for using the systems.
    • Two new candidates have applied to work in the Wiggle Room. This will potentially give us a pool of 3 individuals for the fall.
  • Pastor’s Report
    • See attached report
  • Ministry Team Reports
    • Serve the Lord:
      • Ron met with Pastor to discuss next steps with Social Ministry and Ron will be holding a team meeting soon.
        • A key idea discussed was that all social ministry events do not need to start with the Social Ministry team. Members of the Holy Trinity Community should feel empowered to make recommendations and to coordinate social ministry opportunities.
          • September Council meeting topic: How can we help people who have social ministry (or other programming) ideas get them up and running?
        • October 14: God’s Work, Our Hands
  • Grow in Faith:
    • A letter will be going out to the congregation outlining the Faith Formation events and schedule for the fall.
    • September 9: Rally Sunday
  • Come Together:
    • Worship Committee is meeting tomorrow night to look at the worship schedule for the fall.

We Seek God’s Direction for our Church

  • Reconciled in Christ – Pastor / Cristina
    • Cristina and Pastor met to look at steps necessary to start the Reconciled in Christ process. The next step in helping us determine whether or not we will enter into this RIC process is a survey that Pastor will send to each member of Council.
  • Musician Job Descriptions:
    • Joan presented draft musician work agreements for review. Council members will review and provide her comments.
  • Covenant with Immanuel Indonesian Congregation
    • Tabled until September
  • Audit Committee report
    • The 2017 Audit Team met with the Financial Team to set the groundwork for the audit.
  • Dave and Linda met to address issues identified in the 2016 audit.
  • Insurance
    • Dave provided an update on his work with HTELC’s insurance carrier evaluating our current policy and a scheduled meeting with another insurance carrier to see what they might have to offer.

We Look to the Future

  • Upcoming Calendar review (next two months)
    • September 9: Rally Sunday and return to two-service schedule
    • September 11: Council meeting
    • October 9: Council meeting
    • October 14: God’s Work, Our Hands.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance