June 2024: Boom Chicka Move

How do you feel about Camp Calumet?

As a Lutheran who lives in New England, I hope your answer is “I love Camp Calumet and I hope to support it so they can stay open for decades.”

What a coincidence! That would be my answer too! If only there was some way you could directly support Camp Calumet while simultaneously getting more exercise. Wait a second…THERE IS!!

Every summer, Camp Calumet hosts an annual fundraiser to raise money for the wonderful ministry that they are, such as Confirmation Camp & Youth Gatherings, Retreats, Campground Activities, and simply enjoying nature. This year, their fundraiser has been renamed “Boom Chicka Move” (formerly known as “Walk the Walk”)

The concept is simple: From July 1 - August 31, you can join Team Holy Trinity and report your miles walked (or biking, swimming, or any other way you stay active) to your Team Captain. For the fifth year in a row, I will be Holy Trinity's Team Captain. During these two months, I will send regular email reminders fo you to send your miles to me, and in aggregate, I will report our team’s miles thus far to Camp Calumet. Across Calumet Nation, they would love 800 people signed up and a total of 151,000 miles walked.

To sign up, please visit their webpage and click on the green button in the middle of this page: https://www.calumet.org/boomchickamove. You will be directed to an online form to sign up. When selecting a team, write in “Holy Trinity - Newington, NH”.

There is a donation of $25 per person to sign up, which helps support Camp Calumet financially. You can also increase your donation to $37 per person to get a phenomenally designed t-shirt that you can wear to brag that you supported an awesome summer camp. Dogs are welcome to join too, but you will need to sign them up yourselves, because most dogs are unable to access the internet.

If you need help signing up, please see me after worship on Sundays.