Prayer List

Prayers will be listed for at least 6 weeks unless told otherwise. If you would like a prayer concern listed in the bulletin, please fill out a Prayer Request at the Usher’s table or contact the Church Office at Prayers are updated online once a month.

Updated 2/12/2025

Health Issues: Don Gindlesperger, Rani Marcus, Hazel Larson, Shirley Jackson, Larry Sanders, Bob Hollister, Sue Althof, Dave Mercer, Bob Rindfleish, Susan Rindfleish, Fred King, Tom Bernth.

Homebound: Carol Saufley, Barbara Werdelin, Dave & Joyce Rivoire, Judy Hollister, Jean Klein, Edna DiNola.

Military: Jake Brouker: US Navy (Pam Brouker’s relative), Jacob Connors, Ian Connors, and Ryan Connors, and Robert Scammon (Grandsons of Bonnie & Larry Sanders, Dan & Lara Scammon’s son)

Partners in Ministry: ELCA, New England Synod, Ismani Congregation in Tanzania, Imanuel Indonesian Lutheran Church, Ascentria Care Alliance, Camp Calumet, Operation Blessing, Crossroads, Dover Friendly Kitchen, Good News Garage, Seacoast Family Promise, Salvation Army, & Lutheran World Relief.

Friends: Edward Kloczkowoski (Rich Wilcox’s stepson), Phyllis Gindlesperger (Don Gindlesperger’s sister-in-law), Katherine Corriveau (Jessica Feeley’s friend), Britt von Sydow (Lena Olsen’s friend), Dave Bly (Sue Althof’s brother), Shawn Garitz (Jessica Feeley’s niece’s husband).