Holy Trinity for Children and Youth
Wiggle Room
Our Wiggle Room (formerly known as the "Nursery") is provided for children up to age 5 and located down the hallway to the left of the kitchen. Currently, our Wiggle Room is staffed every Sunday from 8 AM until 12PM with two trained individuals to monitor your child if they need to be looked after during worship or fellowship. Our Wiggle Room is an available alternative to the worship tables we have in our sanctuary, where children can play quietly or read during worship.
Intergenerational Learning
A child's most important teachers of the faith are her parents, grandparents, and the other faithful adults in her life who support her and who show her what it means to follow Jesus in everyday life. At Holy Trinity, the foundation of our learning and Christian Education for both children and adults is intergenerational.
Children's Message
We offer a children's message each Sunday at both of our worship services. This is a special time for the children worshiping in our congregation to come forward and hear the Bible stories that we will read that day in an age-appropriate way. The congregation gets to listen in as children learn more about the stories of the Bible, who God is, and how much God loves them.
Youth Roles in the Service
We welcome youth as leaders in our worship services. There are several ways for youth to become involved in leading worship at Holy Trinity. Please contact our church office if you would like to learn more about these opportunities to serve:
- Acolytes
- Readers
- Prayers of the People
Confirmation Classes
During 7th and 8th grade, our middle schoolers and their families participate in an intentional time of learning about faith and the church through Confirmation. See the Pastor's letter to parents of confirmation age children.