Upcoming Events
Worship - Sundays at 9:30 AM
At 9:30 AM, worship with us inside the Sanctuary. There will be full congregational singing and no limit for attendance. We have full communion, minus the common cup, but pre-filled communion cups are still available for people who still wish to social distance. Masks are optional.
This service will be live-streamed on our webpage at 9:30 AM every Sunday.
We are looking for any and all volunteers to help out during Worship. Please use this Sign-Up Genius link to sign up as a Worship Assistant for this Sunday, or any Sunday in the future: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080c4fa8ab23a4fa7-worship16
Bible Study - Wednesdays at 9:30 AM
Join us at Holy Trinity for a spirited discussion on this week's lectionary, led by our Pastor. All are welcome to join us in-person, in the Gathering Area for a lively discussion.
Upcoming Adult Forums
February 2: "Aging in the Old and New Testament"
Watch Forum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c__xRbkAbo
TBD: "Aging in America and in the church"
March 2: "Aging and Death: Ending in God"
Ash Wednesday - March 5, 2025
Ash Wednesday Worship Service will be held on March 5, with a single service at 7:00 PM, led by Pastor Luther. Details to come shortly.
If you physically cannot drive at night and wish to attend this evening service, please contact the Church Office at least one week in advance and we will try to arrange a carpool.
This service will be livestreamed on htelc.com.
Recent Worship Services - February 16, 2025
If you missed Worship at 9:30 AM this past Sunday, our Worship service videos will still be available to watch on our webpage through the end of the week. Alternatively, you can watch our Pastor's Sermon from Sunday.
Holy Trinity Email Newsletter
Please fill out this form below if you'd like to subscribe to our weekly email blast, sent on Thursdays. You'll receive updates on Church events and activities, ministries, articles, and up-to-date Worship information.
This form does not grant you access to our church directory.
Reconciling in Christ
At Holy Trinity, we welcome and affirm everyone—because God welcomes and affirms everyone—
regardless of age, race, ability, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other life circumstance.
You are welcome. Your family, children, friends, spouses, and partners are welcome.
You are welcome, whether you are a believer, a doubter, or a seeker.
Your diversity and uniqueness are welcomed and affirmed into the full life of Holy Trinity.
You are wanted here.
For further information on our congregation being a Reconciling in Christ Church, please visit our webpage.
For more information and resources on Reconciling Works, please visit their webpage.
What to Expect When Worshiping at Holy Trinity
If you are visiting for the first time or you are not a regular church-goer, this short guide is for you.
What is worship like?
Worship at Holy Trinity follows a traditional pattern that dates from the early church. It involves the whole person in the "worship of the people" (the "liturgy"). There is singing and responsive readings, prayers and greetings, candles and colorful pastoral garb, sitting and standing, words about the Word and an open invitation to the Lord's Supper, offerings and closing exhortations to go forth and serve the world. Don't worry if this may be new to you. We all use a printed Worship Booklet to guide us through the service, and other worshipers will happily help the newcomer. A large-print version of the Worship Booklet is also available. Just ask the usher.
What should I wear?
People of every walk of life are part of our community and our attire reflects that. Come as you are. You will see people in jeans, dresses, suits, shorts, high heels and flip-flops.
What happens after worship?
Following the worship service we assemble in the Gathering area for coffee, light treats, and fellowship. Please join us!
Children in Worship
If you bring a child to worship at Holy Trinity, feel free to relax! We believe that God gave children the wiggles when God made them, and it’s ok for them to wiggle during worship.
We have a children’s sermon each week during worship to engage children in the stories of the Bible in a way that they can understand.
Worship tables
We have three worship tables in our sanctuary for children to use. Each table has a Children's Bulletin. Your family is welcome to sit near one, and your children can worship while they color and create artwork to decorate our sanctuary.