Our History

50th Anniversary eBook

Holy Trinity has been an active congregation for over 60 years, of which there is too much to summarize on one webpage. In 2007, as part of our 50th Anniversary celebration, several of our passionate Holy Trinity members wrote and published a book highlighting our rich and storied history in Newington, NH.

This book begins with the conception of Holy Trinity in the 1950s, and continues to showcase our role in the New Hampshire community, introduce all of our Pastors from 1957 - 2007, and provide a first-hand look of events in and around our church. We hope that the historical account in this book will help you understand where we are and give guidance to our role as Christians in the future of our community.

You can read the full book as a PDF by clicking this link.

We hope in the future to update this book with more information about what we as a church have been doing since 2007.

1. Cover.JPG


At Holy Trinity, we hold continuing education discussions and Adult Forums at our church on a regular basis. Some of these forums and discussions are videotaped for future view. Recently, some of these older videos were discovered and digitalized, and have now been posted to our YouTube page. You can also view the weekly Sunday Sermon on YouTube, posted every Monday.

You can view our YouTube channel here.

More older videos will be posted over the course of 2020, so keep watching and subscribe to stay up to date with us.

You can also view our weekly sermon on Facebook LIVE every Sunday morning, by going to our Facebook page.