
As Adults

Adult Forums in the fall will take place during our Faith Learning Group Sundays. That means, on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, we will meet between services in the Narthex (unless otherwise noted).

This fall, we will be utilizing a video series titled, “A New Place to Be: 8 Films for Spiritual Rebirth and Renewal.” Each film is a brief conversation with a leading Christian thinker/theologian speaking about different aspects of spiritual transformation. To use the explanation from the introduction of the series,

“True change is not about trying harder, but it is allowing oneself to discover reality in a new way.”

Each speaker will share their own lives in how rebirth and renewal has taken place and is still occurring. By hearing other people share their thoughts and experiences, you will be able to discover God’s new reality in your own life.

The 8 film titles, their speakers and dates of the Sunday we will view and discuss them are…

  • A New Place as Choosing Life - Parker Palmer - Sept. 16
  • A New Place as Living Loved - Sarah Besey - Oct. 7
  • A New Place as Being Unashamed - Erwin McManus - Oct. 14
  • A New Place as Rebirth - Richard Rohr - Nov. 4
  • A New Place as Dying to Self - Glenn Doyle Melton - Nov. 18
  • A New Place as Life of Grade - Brennan Manning - Dec. 2
  • A New Place as Seeing - Richard Rohr - Dec. 16
  • A New Place as Finding Goodness - Jean Vanier - Jan. 6

To learn more, you can watch the series preview by clicking here. (We will also watch the preview to begin our time together on Sept. 16.)

Lastly, you don’t have to attend every Adult Forum in order to find value. Each time we meet will be a “stand alone” session. The content does not build from the previous week.

We hope you will join us.